joi, 21 mai 2015


Am pus mai multe jocuri ca postari....astea sunt cele pe care le joc HOTS care momentan e in beta dar in fine.....e destul de ok...
Ideea e ca toate jocurile astea au ajuns super importante pt ajuns obsedata la un moment dat de LoL dar mi-a mai trecut de cand cu scoala si alte chestii.....dar ma calmeaza si cred ca pana la urma asta e important.....
Inainte nu prea jucam stuff...adica eram sceptila ca ideea de jocuri si tocilari fara viata si alte tampenii de genu...dar apoi am realiza ca am pus doar etichete pt ca pana la urma e doar un hobby care nu a omorat oameni pana acum daca desigur nu a devenit o obsesie in care se poate o tona de cafea doar ca sa stai treaz non-stop si sa joci ca sa ajungi  cel mai bun de pe acolo si sa mergi la intruniri ca sa te dai mare....
E o modalitate buna prin care sa-ti dai seama cat de cooperant esti sau cat de repede renunti si sincer mi se pare ca m-a ajutat...
Vreau totusi sa incerc ceva nou...ceva mai palpitant...ceva mai smecher si cu nevoi de prieteni pe aceeasi pagina cu stam si sa povestim despre asta...
Desigur ca il am pe Andrei in domeniu,dar el se documenteaza mai mult decat mine si parca la un moment dat e prea mult pt toate aceste jocuri sunt alte lumi pana la urma create de oameni ca sa evadeze si practic sa poti sa omori oameni intr-un mod legal si inofensiv....
It's just a good way to da...legendele in care se spune ca fetele gamerite sunt way...adica poti a ai cea mai draguta iubita si sa injure ca ultima taranca daca moare...asa fac eu...deci experienta conteaza...oricum blogul asta e doar ca sa zic ganduri si stuff si presupun ca e destul de ok pt ca de multe ori am chef sa scriu si de atatea ori imi e foarte lene sa iau un pix si sa csriu pe ca pana la urma e un efort mai mare sa scrii o letera de mana decat sa apesi pe un fucking buton........da stiu...sunt o persoana lenesa,dar in fine..presupun ca e destul de neimportant daca nu am ajuns o antisociala ciudata obsedata de ca nu mi-ar placea...doar ca la un moment dat trebuie sa stii cand sa te opresti din comoditatea pe care o asternem in fiecare zi cu orice lucru nou aparut care ne face viata mai usoara :)


Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is an online collectible card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It is free-to-play with optional purchases to accelerate the card collection progress and access content quicker. Announced at thePenny Arcade Expo in March 2013, the game was released on March 11, 2014. Hearthstone is available on Microsoft Windows and OS X systems and on Windows 8iOS and Android touchscreen devices. New content for the game involves the addition of new card sets and gameplay, such as from the Goblins vs. Gnomes expansion pack and theBlackrock Mountain adventure.
In early May 2015, there were more than 30 million registered Hearthstone accounts


Hearthstone is a digital collectible card game that revolves around turn-based matches between two opponents, operated through Blizzard's[3] Players can choose from a number of game modes, with each offering a slightly different experience. Players start the game with a substantial collection of basic cards, but can gain rarer and more powerful cards through purchasing packs of cards or as reward for completing Arena runs. In-game gold is rewarded for completing randomized daily quests, where one is given each day stacking up to three with one quest able to be rerolled per day, and by winning matches in ranked play, where 10 gold per three wins is earned with a 100 gold limit per day.[4][5]
Hearthstone is supported by micropayments for booster packs, Arena Mode entries and Adventure Mode access.[3] Unlike other card games, Hearthstone does not use a trading card system and instead allows players to 'disenchant' unwanted cards into 'arcane dust' resource, which can then be used to 'craft' new cards of the player's choice. Hamilton Chu, executive producer of Hearthstone, stated while talking about why Blizzard does not plan on adding a trading card system that, "...a key thing for us was focusing on [the user]... playing the game".[6] Blizzard wanted to do things such as avoid a free market where card values could fluctuate, discourage cheating methods like bots and duping, reduce the unauthorized third party sales (all against the terms of use) and keep all the profit derived from the game for the company.[7]
Hearthstone is set within the Warcraft universe, with its characters, spells and locations drawing from existing lore.
Each Hearthstone match is a one-versus-one battle between two opponents. Gameplay in Hearthstoneis turn-based, with players taking turns to play cards from their hand, casting spells, equipping weapons, or summoning 'minions' to do battle on their behalf. Play may be between two human players, or one player and a computer-controlled opponent.
Each player is represented by their chosen 'hero', an important character from Warcraft lore. Each hero represents a particular class, determining the special cards and unique hero power available to them. Each hero has 30 Health - if that number is reduced to zero, the hero is destroyed, and the controlling player has lost the game. The available classes, with its hero name, are Mage (Jaina Proudmoore), Priest (Anduin Wrynn), Warlock (Gul'dan), Paladin (Uther the Lightbringer), Warrior (Garrosh Hellscream), Druid (Malfurion Stormrage), Hunter (Rexxar), Rogue (Valeera Sanguinar) and Shaman (Thrall). Players can choose to play using one of several pre-assembled 'basic' decks or a deck of their own making. While many cards are available to heroes of any class (the neutral cards), a substantial portion are limited to a specific class, giving each hero their own strengths and unique possibilities.
At the start of the game, each player draw cards from their respective decks of thirty cards. The first player draws three cards while the second player draws four. Next, the players enter the "mulligan phase." In this phase, both players can return any number of cards back to the deck and redraw the same number of cards. At the end of the mulligan, the second player gets another card called "The Coin," a card that gives a single use mana crystal for one turn. Despite the second player's two card advantage, Ben Brode says on average the first player has a 3% higher chance to win and Ars Technica's analysis of three professional tournaments yielded an insignificant edge to the first player.[8]
During their turn, each player may choose to play any of their cards, use their hero power, command their minions to attack targets, or attack directly using their hero, if they have a weapon equipped. However, which actions the player is able to take is partly determined by their mana, a resource pool which is refreshed at the start of each turn. Each player starts the game with zero mana crystals, and gains one at the start of each turn up to a maximum of 10 mana. Each card and hero power requires the player to use a specific amount of mana in order to play it, strategically limiting each player's actions. The larger mana pools in later rounds allow players to play increasingly expensive cards, opening the game up to more powerful minions and abilities.
A match is concluded when one or both players has/have reached zero health, or if a player chooses to concede. Completing a match will grant each player hero experience (winning earns additional experience) and granting them access to additional basic cards up to level 10 for that hero or golden versions of basic cards past level 10; once all heroes are level 60, the player will have every golden version of the basic cards.
Each match takes place on a randomly selected battlefield, representing the board on which the game is played. There are six possible battlefields: Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Pandaria, Stranglethorn, Naxxramas, Goblins vs Gnomes-themed location and Blackrock Mountain. Each battlefield features its own design and numerous interactive elements, but gameplay is in no way affected or determined by battlefield selection; the differences are purely cosmetic. Around the battlefield are the game's important UI elements, which are each player's hand, deck, hero's portrait, hero's power, mana crystals, the log of recent cards played/actions taken and each hero's summoned minions.


World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It is the fourth released game set in the fantasy Warcraft universe, which was first introduced byWarcraft: Orcs & Humans in 1994.[4] World of Warcraft takes place within the Warcraft world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard's previous Warcraft release, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.[5]Blizzard Entertainment announced World of Warcraft on September 2, 2001.[6] The game was released on November 23, 2004, on the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise.
The first expansion set of the game, The Burning Crusade, was released on January 16, 2007.[7] The second expansion set, Wrath of the Lich King, was released on November 13, 2008.[8] The third expansion set, Cataclysm, was released on December 7, 2010. The fourth expansion set, Mists of Pandaria, was released on September 25, 2012.[9]The fifth expansion set, Warlords of Draenor, was announced at BlizzCon 2013[10] and was released on November 13, 2014.[11]
With 7.1 million subscribers as of May 2015,[12][13][14][15] World of Warcraft is currently the world's most-subscribedMMORPG,[8][16] and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG by subscribers.[17][18][19][20]Having grossed over 10 billion dollars as of July 2012, it is also the highest grossing video game of all time.[21] In January 2014 it was announced that more than 100 million accounts had been created over the game's lifetime.


League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games forMicrosoft Windows[1] and Mac OS X. It is a free-to-play game supported by micro-transactions and inspired by the modDefense of the Ancients[2] for the video game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
In League of Legends, players assume the role of a "champion" with unique abilities and battles against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. In the most popular game modes, the goal is to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a building which lies at the heart of a base protected by defensive structures. Each League of Legends game is discrete, with all champions starting off each game fairly weak and progressing by accumulating gold and experience over the course of the game.[3]
League of Legends was generally well received at release, and it has grown in popularity in the years since. By July 2012, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played.[4] As of January 2014, over 67 million people play League of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours.[5]
League of Legends has a large, active competitive scene. In North America and Europe, Riot Games organizes theLeague of Legends Championship Series, which consists of 10[6] professional teams in each continent. Similar regional competitions exist in ChinaSouth KoreaTaiwan, and Southeast Asia. These regional competitions culminate with the annual League of Legends World Championship, which in 2013 had a grand prize of $1 million and attracted 32 million viewers online.[7] The 2014 tournament had the fifth largest prize pool in esports history, sitting at 2.3 million dollars.

marți, 19 mai 2015

Un nou inceput

M-am gandit recent ca poate ar trebui sa ma bucur de viata mai timp o am si sa nu ma mai gandesc atat la trecutul meu si greselile ca sincer...chiar daca sunt facut destul de multe greseli....dar pana la urma nici una nu ma poate urmarii toat viata...inca....
Am ajuns la concluzia ca putini oameni au ce am iubire....din partea unor oameni cu suflet superb care se chinuie sa ma faca sa ma simt mai bine si cateodata parca vreau sa la fac misiunea mai grea prin felul in care sunt...prin faptul ca imi tot vin in minte anumite ganduri triste de care sunt legata si cu care ma deprim singura...
Vreau sa petrec...vreau sa ma simt bine si vreau sa am cu pana la urma am cu prieteni,amici si un iubit care ar face aproape orice pt mine.....pana la urma am tot zis ca o sa ne mutam impreuna si ca o sa mergem impreuna intr-o noua aici nu ma gandesc la familie sau chestii de genul gandesc la faptul ca impreuna orice pare o mica aventura...chiar si o plimbare in care discutam tot felul de care avem revelatii si conversatii intelectuale in noaptea tarzie...
Avem facultate amandoi,dar asta nu ne opreste sa fim toate ca urmeaza stresiunea si nu par atat de stresata pe cat ar trebui sa nici el de altfel cu licenta lui...mereu ne facem planuri si mereu ne gandim la viitor ca si cum am scapat deja si e ca atunci cand suntem impreuna,viata chiar e o vacanta si e chiar minunata.....
Nu stiu de ce sumt nevoia sa scriu toate astea si nu sa ma exteriorizez si sa sa arat si sa spun....sunt o persoana timida cu putina rabdare care ar vrea sa se faca auzita in alte imi place sa scriu....imi place sa exprim.....singura problema e ca toate ideile care-mi vin si ma surprind si pe mine vin in momentele in care nu am posibilitatea sa ma apoi parca cand incep sa scriu totul pare ces din nou.....ceea ce e destul de ca as vrea ca lumea sa citeasca unele lucruri de care sunt constienti ,dar care poate nu-i urmareste indeajuns incat sa schimbe ceva la viata lor ca sa fie un pic mai picanta.....
As vrea sa scriu despre faptul ca imi place sa lenevesc in mai avut un blog...inceput cu o prietena care s-a indepartat indeajuns incat sa-i mai zic "la multi ani!" pe facebook si atat,dar ea mi-a inspirat intr-un fel sa scriam mereu.....cand eram la liceu si eram racita era cel mai ca aveam sansa sa stau acasa si sa contemplez cam tot ce se intampla in jurul meu si cum eu nu faceam nimic cu viata mea...decat sa-mi pun dopuri de servetele in nasul infundat care tot curgea de undeva:)))
Am avut un trecut frumos intr-un as vrea sa-l impartasesc si sa-mi amintesc cu zambetul pe buze de ca a fost speciala si minunat cat a fost....chiar daca lucrurile s-au schimbat destul de mult cu persoanele cu care obisnuiam sa-mi petrec zilele sau orele libere.....macar a s-au dus...dar eu am ramas...utin schimbata si marcata de faptul ca oricine poate sa dispara din viata cuiva....o sa merg totusi curajoasa si inrezatoare spre viitorul alte persoane si poate cu o alta ca nu mai am aceeasi minte....pana la urma asta e si motivul pt ca nu am mai scris atat de mult.....As vrea ca scrisul sa fie viata mea......sunt la o facultate care nu prea inspira asa ceva,dar asta nu inseamna ca mi se duce imaginatia o data cu invatarrea mai multor chestii din economie si sistemul bancar.....

I want to be happy and i promise to myself that i will do my best!

bye people...:)

luni, 18 mai 2015

I am done

Am realizat ieri ca exista oameni pe planeta asta care nu merita pur si simplu devin antisociali si gata si am inceput sa accept asta....
De ieri nu m-am mai simtit vinovata pt tot ce s-a intamplat cu lumea din jurul meu care a plecat....asa sunt oamenii pana la urma....toata lumea merge mai departe pe drumuri separate care cateodata duc in locuri mai putin fericite...dar este alegerea lor cu cine si unde isi petrec zile sau noptile...asa ca nu o sa mai insist de acum mai are nici un ca eu sunt ok,in sfarsit dupa mai mult de un an mi-am dat seama ca nu am gresit cu nici ei pana la urma....asa a fost sa ca increderea mea oarba in lume m-a adus la stadiul de neincredere in oameni de acum asa ca pot sa spun ca am invatat ceva din toata chestia asta :)
Ideea e ca sunt oameni care doar eticheteaza tot ce se intampla in viata lor si reusesc cumva sa se victimizeze si sa para ca ei sunt cei inocenti....
Asta faci cand vrei sa scapi de anumite situatii create de tine si dai vina pe altii...dar e stupid ca si multe alte chestii pt ca avarianta cea mai buna in remedierea situatiei este sa stai si sa-ti asumi meritul pt fiecare greseala si sa ierti eventual daca ai ajuns sa fii suparat pe cineva...asa iti pastrezi prietenii si le schimbi parerea despre tine....din victima si alte chestii josnice care traiesc intr-o mizerie disperanta pt ei ,dar doar deaia aleg sa ramana in ea,intr-un prieten sincer care stie cand sa admita ca a gresit si stie cand sa ceara iertare si daca se asteapta la fie in stare sa ierte si ei la randul lor...
Asta cred ca ma deranjeaza cel mai mult...cand spui ca iti e dor de ceva,dar nu faci nimic ca sa-l ai...cand spui ca iti e dor de anumite persoane care la un moment dat erau viata nu lupti pt ele...cand acele persoane iti cer sa lupti si tu spui ca "nu mai ai putere" de parca facei ceva inainte in afara de plansetele pt ce-ai avut si ce ai acum....
Nu mi se pare ca am gresit atat de mult incat sa merit schimb mi se pare ca am cerut ajutor de la cele mai importante persoane din viata lui pt ca si eu aveam nevoie de de liniste...unde nu venea el sa-mi dezgroape trecutul la fiecare secunda a vietii mele de parca eu eram de piatra si nu simteam durerea pe care o avea si el....pana la urma am fost amandoi in acea relatie...amandoi sufeream si eram persoana la care venea a planga si sa se descarce si se astepta ca printr-o minune eu sa nu trebuiasca sa ma descarc vreodata....